Acrylamides Linked to Child Developmental Issues

acrylamide neurological disorders

Acrylamides in diet from linked to kids’ brain issues.

Scientists have found that babies from pregnant mothers who consume more acrylamide have a higher incidence of lower birth weights and smaller head circumference.

These two measurements have been associated with slower brain development and neurological issues such as attention deficit disorders and autism during childhood.

Research on babies and acrylamide

Researchers from Spain’s Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology tested umbilical cord blood from 1,101 pregnant women from Spain, Denmark, England, Norway and Greece. The researchers then gauged the diets of all the women through questionnaires.

With theses tests the researchers were able to gain insight into the amount of acrylamide consumption in the women. As research has found in many other studies, the umbilical cord blood reveals not only a lot about the diet. It also reveals what the baby is consuming during pregnancy.

The researchers then compared the acrylamide exposure to the babies with the incidences of reduced birth weights and head circumference in the newborns.

The researchers found that babies from mothers with the highest consumption of acrylamide had lower weights by as much as 132 grams than those mothers who consumed the least amount of acrylamide.

The researchers concluded that, “Consumption of specific foods during pregnancy was associated with higher acrylamide exposure in utero.” They also suggested that, “dietary intake of acrylamides should be reduced among pregnant women.”

The researchers found that the low birth weight results among the high-acrylamide mothers were similar to those found among women who smoke during pregnancy.

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What is Acrylamide?

Acrylamide is produced through a reaction often termed the Maillard reaction, which turns baked, toasted and fried foods brown. The reaction occurs when saccharides (sugar-containing molecules) react with asparagine – an amino acid – in the presence of high heat. When the temperature and length of cooking is increased, the level of acrylamides produced also increases.

High levels of acrylamides have been found in various baked breads and fried foods, roasted coffee, snacks that are fried and/or baked, and barbequed and flame-roasted. Some of the highest levels have been found among those foods that have been charred or otherwise blackened.

In the study above, researchers found from high acrylamide exposure from french fry consumption along with other fried foods and meats.

Other research has found that acrylamide increases the risk of breast cancer.

Learn about how to flush toxins such as acrylamide with gentle cleansing techniques:

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Pedersen M, von Stedingk H, Botsivali M, Agramunt S, Alexander J, Brunborg G, Chatzi L, Fleming S, Fthenou E, Granum B, Gutzkow KB, Hardie LJ, Knudsen LE, Kyrtopoulos SA, Mendez MA, Merlo DF, Nielsen JK, Rydberg P, Segerbäck D, Sunyer J, Wright J, Törnqvist M, Kleinjans JC, Kogevinas M and the New Generis Consortium. Birth Weight, Head Circumference, and Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide from Maternal Diet: The European Prospective Mother-Child Study (NewGeneris). Environ Health Perspect (): .doi:10.1289/ehp.1205327

Case Adams Naturopath

Case Adams has a Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences, is a California Naturopath and is Board Certified as an Alternative Medicine Practitioner, with clinical experience and diplomas in Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Blood Chemistry, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, Homeopathy and Colon Hydrotherapy. He has authored 32 books and numerous articles on print and online magazines.