Arthritis Foundation Stresses Exercise
The Arthritis Foundation has published a new report that finds that physical activity is critical to delaying disability and enhancing the quality of life. The report also notes that high arthritis rates occur among people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and this makes physical activity especially important.
The new report, “Environmental and Policy Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among Adults With Arthritis,” provides a resource that aims to motivate health agencies, businesses, recreation facilities, and others to provide physical activity opportunities that meet the needs of people with arthritis.
“Effectively educating people about the important role of physical activity in managing arthritis is an urgent task,” Dr. John H. Klippel, president and CEO of the Arthritis Foundation said. “This report will lead to greater collaboration with our colleagues across a number of professions to make physical activity safe and accessible for adults with the condition.”
Arthritis is America’s leading cause of disability and affects 50 million adults in the United States — more than 20 percent of the adult population. And this number is expected to grow as the population of older Americans continues to increase. Yet despite the known benefits of physical activity, people with arthritis are less likely to be active, often due to pain, fear of injury, or lack of knowledge about the best type and amount of exercise.
Six sectors can influence physical activity among adults with arthritis. They include parks, recreation, and sports; business; public health; health care; and transportation. The report includes practical examples for how each of these sectors can make a difference.
“Educating people about the role of physical activity in managing arthritis is an urgent task,” said Klippel. “This report will lead to greater collaboration with our colleagues across a number of professions to make physical activity safe and accessible for adults with the condition.”
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Arthritis Foundation Press Release
View Environmental and Policy Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among Adults With Arthritis online at