How the Earth Can Heal Itself (If We Let It)

earth heals itself

The earth can heal itself through a number of mechanisms.

Recent research is revealing that the Earth utilizes several means to purify itself, and if we were to stop interfering with the process and adding to the problem, it would eventually find ways of metabolizing the pollution we have bombarded it with.

Healing banana peels

A recent study from Brazil’s University of São Paulo has determined that banana peel will absorb and remove two of the worst pesticides known – atrazine and ametryne. The researchers found that just 3 grams of banana peel will absorb and remove these pollutants from 50 milliliters of polluted fluid.

The research found that banana peel resulted in a 90% removal efficiency for both pesticides.

Other research finds that banana peels also help wound healing. They also help prevent hardening of the arteries.

The common herbicide atrazine has been the subject of other research as having produced grotesque mutations among frogs such as turning male frogs into females and sometimes with both male and female organs.

In another study, published in the Russian Journal Radiatsionnaia Biologiia Radioecologiia, analyzed the ability of mycelia from the mushroom family of macromycetes can remove Cesium 137 – one of the deadliest forms of radioactive waste – from the forests of Russia following the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Other studies have indicated that the mycelia from mushrooms – its rooting system – can grow to incredible sizes, and remove soil contaminants from large areas. They have been shown to remove various petroleum-based products such as plastic at an amazing pace, since they feed off of the carbon within the petroleum.

Read more:  Rapid Detoxification Programs Found to be Unsafe

Mushrooms and earthworms

Paul Stamets, one of the leading researchers and thought-leaders in this area, has conducted a number of experiments illustrating mushroom mycelia will detoxify soils from numerous contaminants.

Other studies have found that earthworms can also remove harmful pollutants from soils. A study from the South China Agricultural University found that two species of earthworms – namely Eisenia foetida and Amynthas robustus – can remove DDT (trichloro-bis-chlorophenyl-ethane) and its metabolites from polluted soil.

This study found that the earthworms degraded the pollutants through a process called anaerobic reductive dechlorination in the initial phase, and used aerobic dechlorination during a second phase.

The researchers concluded that earthworms were a viable method of removing these toxins from soils:

“Both earthworm species would have the potential to be applied to enhance the remediation of agricultural lands polluted by DDT.”

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These of course are only a few of the ways Mother Earth utilizes to clear itself of the pollutants that humanity has burdened her with. Many others – such as utilizing ozone to clear air pollutants – have also been proven in scientific research.

This doesn’t mean that we can go on polluting the Earth, because the Earth is no different from any other organism that becomes over-polluted: It gets sick.

The only way we can allow the Earth to conduct its detoxification efficiently and heal itself is if we lighten its burden. This is no different from toxicity within the human body. The body can efficiently detoxify itself given we slow down the bombardment of new toxins.

Read more:  Toxic Parabens Contaminating U.S. Food Supply


Chaparadza A, Hossenlopp JM. Adsorption kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamics of atrazine removal using a banana peel based sorbent. Water Sci Technol. 2012;65(5):940-7.

Mamikhin SV. Role of fungi as accumulators of 137Cs in forest ecosystems. Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2012 Sep-Oct;52(5):546-52.

Stamets P. Six ways mushrooms can save the world.

Lin Z, Li XM, Li YT, Huang DY, Dong J, Li FB. Enhancement effect of two ecological earthworm species (Eisenia foetida and Amynthas robustus E. Perrier) on removal and degradation processes of soil DDT. J Environ Monit. 2012 May;14(6):1551-8.

Case Adams Naturopath

Case Adams has a Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences, is a California Naturopath and is Board Certified as an Alternative Medicine Practitioner, with clinical experience and diplomas in Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Blood Chemistry, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, Homeopathy and Colon Hydrotherapy. He has authored 32 books and numerous articles on print and online magazines.