How to Delay Your Period Naturally: Does It Work?

Women’s periods are a fact of life, and they can be irregular at times. Many women have irregular periods, and some may even miss a cycle altogether. It can be difficult to predict when your period will start, and many women are eager to delay it for various reasons. If you’re looking for a way to delay your period, there are some options you can try.
In this article
Can you really delay your period naturally?
While there is a lack of any solid scientific evidence, there are some methods that many believe to have some effect in delaying the start of the menstrual cycle. And although it may be possible to delay your period naturally, it’s important to remember that there are many other factors that can cause irregular periods.
5 Natural Ways To Delay Your Period
Even if some good period underwear can help to control menstruation, there are also some natural ways that you can do to help delay the period from happening. These are a few of the many natural remedies some women use to help delay their periods.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is a great way to delay your period. Lemons contain citric acid and are rich in vitamin C, which helps to reduce the blood flow during menstruation. This makes them effective for helping regulate your cycle while also naturally delaying your period. Many suggest drinking a cup of hot water with one teaspoon of lemon juice every morning and night for two weeks before your expected period.
Gram lentils
Gram lentils are packed with nutrients that are said to help stimulate your body’s natural ability to delay ovulation and menstruation. Gram lentils can be roasted just enough so that they are easy to digest and not too mushy. They can then be ground into a fine powder, which can then be mixed with some warm water as a beverage or as part of a lentil soup or smoothie. Additionally, it is important to remember that excessive consumption of lentils can cause digestive problems.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps balance hormones and reduce inflammation, so it can help relieve uncomfortable bloating and cramps that come with menstruation. Although there isn’t much research on the effects of apple cider vinegar on delayed menstrual cycles, it does have a long history of being used as a natural remedy for this purpose.
To use apple cider vinegar as a natural method to delay periods, simply add a few tablespoons of ACV to some warm water and consume it no less than a few days to a week before your next period is expected.
Cinnamon tea
Cinnamon is rich in antispasmodic properties that will relax your uterus and help it contract less frequently. It will also help ease cramping and inflammation by relaxing muscles in the abdomen and abdomen walls.
It’s made by boiling cinnamon sticks in water, then letting them steep. You’ll want to drink about one cup of this tea every day for three days before you can expect to see any effects.
If you want to delay your period a little bit, then you should try exercising more often. Exercising will help you use up some of your energy, so it will be used up instead of stored in the body. This means that the energy will be used up before it is stored in the body and can trigger a period. Regular exercise can be a genuine method for helping delay periods, and can even help you develop confidence in using natural methods.
For this method, consider engaging in some high-intensity exertion or physical activity in the week or a few days before the expected start of the period. This will help you burn off some of your energy and potentially delay your period.
Final Thoughts
There is no scientific data proving that any particular remedy can delay a period, but it wouldn’t hurt to try out several alternative therapies to see if one works for you. While these methods may not guarantee successful results, they are still worth trying if you want to delay your period.
If you find that one or more of the remedies suggested above does seem to help, it is important that you continue using them until you have determined whether they will work for you or not.
Scientific References
Strandjord SE, Rome ES. Monthly Periods–Are They Necessary? Pediatr Ann. 2015 Sep;44(9):e231-6. doi: 10.3928/00904481-20150910-11.
Diddle AW. Athletic activity and menstruation. South Med J. 1983 May;76(5):619-24. doi: 10.1097/00007611-198305000-00023.
Roupas ND, Georgopoulos NA. Menstrual function in sports. Hormones (Athens). 2011 Apr-Jun;10(2):104-16. doi: 10.14310/horm.2002.1300.