Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Treat Prostate Enlargement
New research confirms that the ancient treatments from Chinese medicine are effective for prostate enlargement, inclusive of acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulation.
New research confirms that the ancient treatments from Chinese medicine are effective for prostate enlargement, inclusive of acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulation.
What does aging have to do with free radicals? Everything. Research is now finding that our free radicals increase linearly with every year we age. Antioxidant strategies can now be tangible.
What does smoking – which would necessarily include first-, second-, and third-hand smoking – have to do with anxiety and depression?
Multiple studies have now linked Parkinson’s disease with excess exposure to heavy metals. Find out which two have the most association.
A large study has found that light to moderate drinking increases heart disease risk – proving earlier research wrong. This study utilized a gene variant to confirm alcohol consumption.
Acinetobacter baumannii superbug infections are on the rise and are now one of the most prevalent causes of hospital acquired infections and ventilator-related pneumonia. Find out how nature may be our last resort to fight this multi-drug resistant species.
We all knew raisins were healthy. But now we find they reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Research has confirmed that second hand smoke results in significantly increased artery thickening and greater incidence of heart disease and stroke among children in the household.
Research is discovering that the metabolically active form of vitamin D3 (actually more of a hormone) can significantly inhibit hepatitis C infections. The supplemented form of vitamin D3 does not have the same effect.
Playing outside is critical for a child’s health. New research finds it also decreases ADHD risk and risk of vision problems.
New research confirms that vitamin D deficiency is linked with greater cognitive decline. Unfortunately, vitamin D supplementation doesn’t seem to reverse the decline. Find out why.
Genetically modified bananas are coming. The new genetic manipulation is aimed to help reverse vitamin A deficiency, just as the GMO Golden Rice was aimed at. Yet just like Golden Rice, the new banana may not be such a bright idea.
Recent research from Michigan State University reveals that farms using chemical fertilizers are significantly contributing to the atmosphere’s greenhouse gas content. Another reason to go organic.
The elderly in the U.S. are being prescribed more narcotic pain-killer medications and for longer duration. Are there any natural alternatives?