Latest Research from Heal Naturally

Whole Salt

Trace Minerals from Whole Salt

Refined table salts start innocently enough: they are collected from sea water (often from not-so-pristine locales such as the South San Francisco Bay) or harvested from underground salt mines. After water-flushing, table salt manufacturers...

BPS and BPA are endocrine disruptors

Is BPA-free Really Safe? 8 Steps to Get Bisphenols Out

Is BPA-free safe? More importantly, do most plastic goods that state they do not contain BPA disrupt our hormones? Scientists say most do, and most BPA-free plastics still disrupt hormones and many contain another type of bisphenol. Find out why and how to reduce our hormone disruption.

leaky gut and liver disease

Liver Disease Linked to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Much speculation has revolved around the causes for nonalcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis over the years. New findings provide surprising links between our gut bacteria, leaky gut and the liver’s health.