Neonicotinoids are Neurotoxins to Humans Too
New research indicates the common pesticides categorized as neonicotinoids, which include acetamiprid and imidacloprid, can damage the human brain and nervous system more than previously thought.
New research indicates the common pesticides categorized as neonicotinoids, which include acetamiprid and imidacloprid, can damage the human brain and nervous system more than previously thought.
Australia has joined a number of other government agencies in banning or restricting indoor tanning salons. Is there science behind these laws?
A new study has determined that the beads contained in Christmas tree trimming garlands may not bring much joy to the environment. They may well be toxic.
Sleepy on the job? New research finds natural relaxation method curbs afternoon sleepiness among workers.
Bipolar disorder affects more than 13 million Americans and over 170 million people around the world. New research confirms bipolar disorder may be a lot simpler than previously thought.
New research is finding that the biochemical called kynurenic acid is necessary for many metabolic processes. But increased levels are linked with mental disorders and other conditions. So is it a nutrient or a toxin?
Losing weight and exercise significantly reduces osteoarthritis knee pain and increases mobility, a new study finds. But this and other studies bear another question: Which is more important – exercise or weight loss?
Clinical research has confirmed that compassionate love as well as a faith in a compassionate Higher Power increases healing time and decreases disease progression among those with HIV.
New research has determined that COX-inhibitors, which include numerous NSAIDs – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – reduce Vitamin B-6 levels within the body.
A team of medical researchers has determined that new cases of rheumatoid arthritis occurs following intestinal dysbiosis and the overgrowth of a particular gut microbe.
The U.S. Centers of Disease Control have released a new report finding that more than one adults in five over the age of 18 has arthritis and half of those over the age of 65 have the disease…
An expedition by American marine environmental group discovered that Peruvian fishermen are harpooning thousands of dolphins and clubbing them to death.
New research has found that poor sleep increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, increases the risk of dying from the disease, and increases the risk of Lewy body dementia.
While diet and nutrition has maintained an untouchable status among cancer treatment, new research is finding that a cancer patient’s choice of diet is critical to their chances of survival.