Probiotics and Microbes Webinar: Healing Your Microbiome
In this article
This webinar will take you from the basics of microbes that cause disease to the solutions probiotics present. This recorded webinar lecture series of information-packed video in ten lesson modules includes an interactive forum and reading material, and open contact with the instructor. It is designed to create expertise in the world of microorganisms, the diseases they cause, and the potential of probiotics as treatments as documented from clinical research.
Webinar reveals:
✔Microbes that cause disease
✔All about our microbiome
✔How antibiotic resistance develops
✔Probiotic species and strains
✔How probiotics combat disease
✔The many probiotic foods
✔Many surprising prebiotics
✔All about pasteurization
✔How infections grow
✔Discover natural antibiotics
The webinar series of ten lectures videos and interactive forum is presented by Case Adams, a naturopath and author of 25 books on natural healing.
Regular cost: $89.00. Discounted price (subject to change): $29.00.
A complimentary PDF version of the book, “Probiotics: Protection Against Infection” is included with webinar enrollment. Money-back satisfaction guaranteed for 30 days from enrollment date (and you can keep the book even if you cancel).
Click here to gain access to the webinar:
Syllabus for the webinar:
Course Description: Principles of endogenous probiotic and pathogenic microbes, including bacteria, fungi, microscopic parasites and viruses. Species and traits are examined, using a series of recorded lectures together with illustrations, research and examples. Diseases caused by pathogenic microbes will be described. Relationship between the immune system and probiotics will provide focus on probiotic treatment. Functions and identification of probiotic species and the forms they come in will be described. Diseases treated by probiotics will be examined. A survey of the microbiome, probiotic foods and prebiotics will be discussed in detail.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students should develop the following skills and knowledge and be able to:
• Identify the major microbes that inhabit the body
• Differentiate between healthy and pathogenic microbes
• Identify the major pathogenic microbes
• Identify major diseases caused by pathogenic microbes
• Examine the research showing how certain diseases may be treated with probiotics
• Know how fermented (probiotic) foods are made
• Utilize probiotic supplementation therapeutically
• Understand our microbiome
• Identify prebiotics and the foods that contain them
Course Lessons:
1. Introduction to Microbes
2. Some Diseases Caused by Microbes
3. Our Body’s Probiotics
4. The Basics of Antibiotics
5. Pasteurization and the Germ Theory
6. The Probiotic Species
7. The Major Pathogenic Microbes
8. Supplementing Probiotics
9. Treating and Preventing Disease with Probiotics
10. Prebiotics and our Microbiome
Text: The course is accompanied by the book, “Probiotics: Protection Against Infection” by Case Adams (ISBN13-978-0-981604558). A complimentary PDF copy of the book is provided with each course purchase.
Quizzes: Each video contains a short voluntary interactive quiz at the end. The questions are intended to add to ones understanding of the content.
Reading: In addition to the videos, each lesson will accompany suggested reading material, which will include pages from the book as well as linked articles to add to the topic. Note there is material in the book that is not on the videos and material in the videos that is not in the book.
Objectives and overview of videos:
Module One
Name and classify the types and genera of pathogenic microorganisms and how they are distinguished from each other
• What is a germ?
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Viruses
• Parasites
• Mycoplasmas, Thermophiles and others
• Anatomy of a bacteria
• Anatomy of a yeast
• Anatomy of a parasite
Module Two
Identify major diseases caused by pathogenic organisms
• Digestive diseases
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Urinary tract/bladder/kidney diseases
• Liver and gallstone diseases
• Dental and gum diseases
• Sepsis
• Arthritis
• Many other diseases caused by bacteria
Module Three
Understand the major roles, functions and lifespan of probiotics within the body
• Digestive roles
• Protect the body
• Boosting immunity
• Balancing mucosal biochemistry
Module Four
Describe the function and source of antibiotics
• What antibiotics are
• How antibiotics are produced
• Antibiotic resistance
• Antibiotics produced by probiotics
• Difference between static and commensal antibiotic application
Module Five
Know the relationship between pasteurization and the germ theory
• What is pasteurization?
• Germ theory
• Field theory
• Which theory is right?
Module Six
Describe the major genera and species of probiotics
• Lactobaccillus
• Bifidobacteria
• Streptococcus
• Bacillus
• Other species
Module Seven
Describe the major pathogenic organisms that cause disease
• Bacterial – E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, etc.
• Viral – Ebola, Influenza, Herpes, HIV, SARS
• Parasites – Blastocystis, etc.
Module Eight
Identify sources of supplementing probiotics
• Probiotic Foods
• Probiotic Beverages
• Probiotic Supplements – capsules, tabs, powders, shells
• How to determine a viable probiotic supplement
• Fermented foods versus acidic foods
Module Nine
Examine research on probiotic intervention for particular diseases and conditions
• Diseases most notably treated with probiotics
• Surprising diseases treated with probiotics
• Central mechanisms of probiotic treatment in disease
Module Ten
Know the microbiome and the sources of prebiotics
• What is our microbiome
• How our diets affect our microbiome
• What are prebiotics
• What are the major sources of prebiotics
• How to keep our probiotics healthy
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Enter the following coupon code for $4.00 off: Xfsprob