Weight Loss and Heart Health Varies by Food Color
Pigments that make natural food colors not only make foods nutritious, but have surprisingly different effects upon our weight and heart health.
Pigments that make natural food colors not only make foods nutritious, but have surprisingly different effects upon our weight and heart health.
Organic milk is not just about fewer pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. New research confirms that organic milk has significantly more and better fats. Organic milk fats are compared with fish.
Tai Chi significantly lowers hypertension, and even may reduce blood pressure greater than medication – finds a team of university researchers after an analysis of multiple clinical trials.
Researchers from the Netherlands have confirmed that the inflammatory condition of arthritis is related to other chronic diseases typically involving inflammation.
Several new studies have found that snoring increases the risk of heart disease, strokes, and metabolic syndrome.
Research has determined that a diet rich in soft drinks, fries and snacks substantially increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Sitting is associated with cancer and early death according to scientists.