Debunking the Lectin-Free Diet Fad
If you are considering the lectin-free diet you should know the facts first. Here are the scientific facts about the newest diet fad.
If you are considering the lectin-free diet you should know the facts first. Here are the scientific facts about the newest diet fad.
Research now confirms that a certain type of bread preservative can alter our metabolism, causing weight gain, insulin resistance and behavioral issues. Learn about propionate and how it alters our metabolism and even our DNA.
Can gluten sensitivities – including celiac disease, wheat allergy and gluten intolerance – be reversed? Absolutely.
Turns out that enzymes produced by our body’s natural probiotics break down gluten proteins into harmless amino acids. That is, unless you have dysbiosis.
A new study finds that more than half of popular probiotic brands contain traces of gluten. Just how bad is it?
Research finds that probiotics provide a remedy for gluten sensitivities – and their absence provides the smoking gun for the cause of gluten sensitivities.