Bacteria that Produces Antibiotic Found in the Nose
An antibiotic that fights off antibiotic-resistant superbugs has been found in the noses of healthy people. This raises important questions about pharmaceutical antibiotics.
An antibiotic that fights off antibiotic-resistant superbugs has been found in the noses of healthy people. This raises important questions about pharmaceutical antibiotics.
Oral candida infections can be debilitating and can lead to various health conditions. New research finds that oral probiotics provide one of the best and sustainable solutions to candida overgrowth.
Allergies to peanuts and other foods are growing around the world. Immunotherapy with probiotics is a proven method to reverse peanut allergies.
Are antibiotics making our children fat and sick? New research links antibiotic use as children to increased weight gain in teenage years, leading to greater likelihood of obesity during adulthood.
You probably already heard the news that antibiotic overuse is producing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. But there’s more to be concerned about: Antibiotic overuse in children is linked to more adult diseases later on.
A new study finds that more than half of popular probiotic brands contain traces of gluten. Just how bad is it?
New research finds our gut bacteria are communicating with us. Turns out, they affect our moods and feelings of depression. Here’s how they do it.
An accumulation of research is indicating that type 2 diabetes is linked to our gut bacteria and dysbiosis is associated with metabolic disease.
A team of medical researchers has determined that new cases of rheumatoid arthritis occurs following intestinal dysbiosis and the overgrowth of a particular gut microbe.
Mounting evidence is indicating that autistic children tend to have gastrointestinal abnormalities. And studies have shown probiotic supplementation may help autistic children.
Japanese researchers have determined from a large multi-center study that consistently consuming a minimal dosage of a particular strain of probiotics results in reduced abdominal fat and lower body mass index in three months.
Researchers have determined that consuming a milk fermented with probiotics changes brain activity and tasking response. See how brain activity is linked to our gut microbiome.
Numerous studies have found that probiotic supplementation does more than just help digestion and intestinal issues. Recent research proves that probiotic supplementation reduces incidence and duration of the common cold among schoolchildren.
Research from Montreal’s McGill University School of Medicine has confirmed that probiotics help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and particular probiotic species can correct poor cholesterol.