Latest Research from Heal Naturally

WHO says meat causes cancer

Meat Causes Cancer, Says World Health Organization

The research arm of the World Health Association – made up of 22 researchers from 10 countries – has classified processed meat and red meat as carcinogenic to humans. The research analyzed over 800 large human population studies. Find out what types and why meat is carcinogenic.

should we remove amalgams?

Should We Remove Our Amalgam Dental Fillings?

Most of us have amalgams for dental cavity fillings. Are they safe? Should we remove our amalgams? Are we being poisoned with mercury? Here is the current state of the evidence, along with a list of considerations about this very personal choice we each have.

hearing loss reduced by exercise

Exercise Helps Prevent Hearing Loss

A majority of us will suffer hearing loss at some point. New research finds that exercise reduces the risk of hearing loss. Find out how and why, and how to exercise more efficiently.

Awe, Beauty and Wonder Reduce Inflammation

Feelings of awe, beauty and wonder are great experiences. But now we find these experiences also have physiological effects upon our bodies. Turns out these experiences reduce pro-inflammatory markers. Find out the connections between this and depression.

breast cancer and red meat

Breast Cancer Linked to Red Meat Consumption

Among women, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer. Billions have been spent on cancer research, yet preventing cancer provides one of the few clear strategies. Breast cancer in particular has now been scientifically linked to the consumption of red meat and processed meats.