PROBIOTICS SIMPLIFIED: How Nature’s Tiny Warriors Keep Us Healthy

probiotics simplified by case adamsDESCRIPTION: Understanding how our probiotics work and how they help prevent disease is critical to our ability to stay healthy. This book condenses and simplifies the science gathered from over 600 research studies to communicate precisely what probiotics are, how they boost our immunity and the many diseases they help prevent. Probiotics Simplified also describes each major probiotic species and its accumulated research over the past fifty years. Here we will learn how to chose and supplement probiotics, how to consume the right prebiotics and even recipes for making some of the many traditional probiotic foods. Note: if you have already read the author’s work, “Probiotics–Protection Against Infection” – there are some content duplications but with simplified language for laypersons, in addition to new information.

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Table of Contents

1. Everywhere a Microbe
The Probiotic Planet
Microbial Realization
Microorganisms and Disease
Types of Microbes
The Rise of the Superbugs
The Oral Bacteria
Our Anti-Microbial Society
Summary of Common Antibiotics
How Bacteria Become Antibiotic Resistant
Why Probiotics Provide the Solution
The Invasion
Is Pasteurized Food Healthy?
Germ or Field?
The Probiotic Discovery
Friendly Flora Nutrition
2. The Probiotic Immune System
Non-specific Immunity
Humoral Immunity
Cell-Mediated Immunity
Probiotic Immunity
Probiotics Communicate with Immune System
The Thymus Gland
The Liver
Immune Colonization
3. Where Do Probiotics Come From?
Probiotic Inoculation
Housing the Resident Strains
Probiotic Hand-Me-Downs
Territorial Colonization
4. Probiotics and Disease
The Progression of Dysbiosis
Rotavirus and Intestinal Bacterial Infections
Blood Pressure
Liver Disease
Gum Disease and Dental Caries (Cavities)
Bacterial Infections
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s
Digestion Problems
Allergies and Eczema
Lactose Intolerance
Intestinal Permeability
Polyps, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Ulcers and Stomach Cancer
Kidney Stones and Kidney Disease
Vaginosis and Vaginitis
Candida Infections
Premature/Low Weight Births
Baby Colic
Autoimmune/Inflammatory Diseases
Viruses: Colds, Influenza and Herpes
Diabetes (Glucose Control)
Respiratory Infections
Nutritional Deficiencies
Summary of Probiotic Mechanisms
5. Meet Your Probiotics
Species and Strains
The Lactobacilli
The Bifidobacteria
Other Notable Probiotics
Soil-based Organisms
6. Supplementing Probiotics
Supplement Manufacturing Considerations
Probiotic Supplement Options
Dosage Considerations
Adhesion and Permanence
Supplementing Probiotics Correctly: Q&A
7. The Probiotic Life
The Probiotic Friendly Diet: Prebiotics
Probiotic Foods
Threats to our Probiotics
Effects of Stress and Sleep upon our Probiotics
The Biotic Body
References and Bibliography

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Case Adams Naturopath

Case Adams has a Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences, is a California Naturopath and is Board Certified as an Alternative Medicine Practitioner, with clinical experience and diplomas in Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Blood Chemistry, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, Homeopathy and Colon Hydrotherapy. He has authored 32 books and numerous articles on print and online magazines.