Flotation Therapy Reduces Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Improves Sleep
Flotation therapy is growing in popularity for reducing stress and pain, and speeding up healing. Now we find the evidence to back that up.
Flotation therapy is growing in popularity for reducing stress and pain, and speeding up healing. Now we find the evidence to back that up.
What does smoking – which would necessarily include first-, second-, and third-hand smoking – have to do with anxiety and depression?
Shorter telomere length has been linked with shorter life span. New research finds stress, depression and an unstable family life as children decreases telomere length.
Bipolar disorder affects more than 13 million Americans and over 170 million people around the world. New research confirms bipolar disorder may be a lot simpler than previously thought.
Researchers from the Rush University Medical Center have found that stress in the home and depression among parents increase the risk of asthma among children.
Scientists have found that prebiotics boost our immunity significantly, resulting in fewer colds and flu each year. Prebiotics studied in university students Most of us recognize that cold and flu viruses run rampant around...
Research confirms that probiotics can reduce stress and anxiety by changing the gut-brain axis.