Is Your Restaurant a Host for Infectious Disease?
Research sponsored by the ABC news show 20/20 has exposed the greatest probable sources of infectious disease transmission among restaurants. Some of the findings surprised even the investigators.
Research sponsored by the ABC news show 20/20 has exposed the greatest probable sources of infectious disease transmission among restaurants. Some of the findings surprised even the investigators.
Research is confirming that many pharmaceutical drugs cause liver injury. And continuing use of many drugs produce liver damage. Clinical research confirms liver injury Scientists from China’s Zhejiang University School of Medicine found that...
New research from Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Duke University Medical Center have determined that a diet with lower glycemic load foods – foods with a lower glycemic index – reduce the risk of recurring colon cancer.
Research has confirmed that nasal irrigation with a saline solution with more salt content significantly lessens allergy symptoms and the need for medications. Hay fever in children tested The research, from Italy’s University of Milan,...
Research from Montreal’s McGill University School of Medicine has confirmed that probiotics help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and particular probiotic species can correct poor cholesterol.
Researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have concluded that BPA and seven other toxins are building up within the bodies of U.S. children according to blood and urine studies. Large...
Research from the Mayo Clinic has found that adults who have abnormal sleeping habits and the associated disruptions of their daytimes have a greater risk of developing dementia and mild cognitive impairment later on.
Research has determined that babies from pregnant mothers who consume more acrylamide have a higher incidence of lower birth weights and smaller head circumference, which are linked to slower brain development…
Scientists have confirmed that taking multivitamins over the long rum reduces the incidence of cancer. Multivitamins also lengthen lifetime as well.
Putting on a mask may scare a few of us, but the scariest part of Halloween is what we are feeding innocent kids – virtual poison for their developing teeth, livers and blood sugar...
An outbreak of meningitis infections caused by contaminated epidural steroid injections for low back pain may be causing concern regarding the methods used to compound drugs. A less discussed concern is the safety of steroid injections for low back pain…
A report issued by researchers and doctors from the Physicians for Civil Defense has suggested that the stress of evacuation related to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear generating station has produced greater health risks than...
A recent U.S. Geological Survey report has found that asbestos consumption by Americans increased 13% in 2011, as cancers and other asbestos-related ailments continue to increase.
European researchers have determined that supplemental probiotics decrease the incidence of a condition called increased intestinal permeability – also loosely termed by some natural health advocates as ‘leaky gut syndrome.’