Category: Health

breast cancer and red meat

Breast Cancer Linked to Red Meat Consumption

Among women, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer. Billions have been spent on cancer research, yet preventing cancer provides one of the few clear strategies. Breast cancer in particular has now been scientifically linked to the consumption of red meat and processed meats.

science behind acupuncture meridians

Acupuncture Meridian Circulatory System Proven

Ancient acupuncture meridians, the Qi, nadis and Prana in Ayurveda, have remained mysteries to modern Western science. Imaging has recently discovered a new circulatory system – confirming acupuncture meridians.

knee pain related to death

Knee Pain Increases Risk of Dying in Women

Oddly enough, having knee pain – regardless of arthritis – increases the risk of dying, at least for women. Not osteoarthritis, but knee pain. Learn the difference between the two and why knee pain is particularly risky.

heroin and oxycontin linked

Oxycontin Linked to Heroin Overdose

A recent 60 Minutes story hints that oxycontin use is linked to a surge in heroin overdose. See the science behind this link and how doctors who prescribe opioids have a higher incidence of addiction to them.