Tagged: breast cancer

can homeopathy treat cancer?

Can Homeopathy Treat Cancer?

Medical research from around the world continues to investigate homeopathy’s ability to treat cancer. New research finds more reason to believe homeopathic cancer treatments hold promise.

breast cancer and red meat

Breast Cancer Linked to Red Meat Consumption

Among women, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer. Billions have been spent on cancer research, yet preventing cancer provides one of the few clear strategies. Breast cancer in particular has now been scientifically linked to the consumption of red meat and processed meats.

cancer healing diets

Nutrition Critical to Cancer Treatment

While diet and nutrition has maintained an untouchable status among cancer treatment, new research is finding that a cancer patient’s choice of diet is critical to their chances of survival.

fried food and acrylamides

Acrylamides Linked to Several Cancers

Scientists have determined that acrylamide consumption – found with higher amounts in fried and grilled foods – significantly increases the risk of several types of cancer. These include breast, ovary, and endometrial cancers among women.