Polyester Clothing Polluting Oceans by Washing Them
Washing polyester clothing releases microplastics into our waterways according to multiple scientific studies. These microplastics and others are poisoning our oceans.
Washing polyester clothing releases microplastics into our waterways according to multiple scientific studies. These microplastics and others are poisoning our oceans.
A study of leading U.S. kids cereal brands finds that a number of cereals have up to half and even more than half their weight in refined sugar. The consequences are considerable.
Researchers from the University of Texas have found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with type 2 diabetes among children, along with obesity. The researchers tested 411 obese children between six and sixteen years...
Deep breathing reduces oxidative stress, reduces free radicals and increases our body’s antioxidant status according to scientific research.
Scientists have estimated that about a quarter of the world’s land has been degraded. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is partly responsible.
Scientists have found that eating from many canned foods can increase our bisphenol-A (BPA) levels by over ten times.
Scientists have found that prebiotics boost our immunity significantly, resulting in fewer colds and flu each year. Prebiotics studied in university students Most of us recognize that cold and flu viruses run rampant around...
A host of studies have confirmed that autism is not linked to vaccination. Toxic exposure while in the womb comes with significantly more evidence, however. Toxic environment and autism A 2011 study from Stanford...
Research from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that low-carbohydrate, high-animal-protein diets significantly increase the risk of early death.
Growth hormones in milk have been associated with an increased risk of cancer according to the research. It is imperative that consumers know which milks come from cows injected with or fed growth hormones.
Sitting is associated with cancer and early death according to scientists.
Research finds that a particular family of bad gut bacteria are implicated in the cause of colon cancer. Find out which bacteria and what we can do to prevent its overgrowth.
Studies show that alcohol is associated with a greater risk of cancer. How much drinking is linked to cancer? Find out.
Research confirms that probiotics can reduce stress and anxiety by changing the gut-brain axis.