Western Diet Linked to Allergies and Asthma in Kids
Scientists are proving that the Western diet is at the root of a number of disease conditions. We can now add to this allergies and asthma. Yes, the Western diet has been linked to...
Scientists are proving that the Western diet is at the root of a number of disease conditions. We can now add to this allergies and asthma. Yes, the Western diet has been linked to...
Everything has a cost, they say. When it comes to the ‘miracle’ of pharmaceuticals – statins, there are a number of risks that go along with their ability to reduce lipids. One of these...
Research has confirmed that dolphin strandings are associated with the widespread use of sonar systems around the world.
Some have said that statins help the memory, but research is confirming the opposite: statins can slow cognitive performance and induce cognitive impairment.
What are bioidentical hormones? What are they made of and are they any safer and more effective than conventional pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy? These questions and more are answered.
New Research presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has linked orthopaedic trauma cases to vitamin D deficiency. The research was conducted at the University of Missouri hospital...
Researchers from Columbia University’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences have determined that the last four influenza pandemics – of 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009 – were related to a Pacific Ocean weather pattern called...
Research has confirmed that the herbicide Atrazine is producing sex changes among frogs.
Research has confirmed that processed sugar – also referred to as refined sugar – is linked to early death and a number of degenerative disease conditions. Find out why you should limit eating this poison.
Multiple people have now died from Dimethylamylamine (DMAA). What is DMAA and why is it so harmful?
Scientists are finding that caffeine from coffee, tea or soda can seriously affect a woman’s estrogen levels. This can have consequences on ovulation and menopause.
Being diagnosed with autism can penalize a child’s future. This comes in the form of not only the stigma of autism. It also relates to the child being subjected to a variety of psychoactive...
Ever wonder why some rubberized plastic goods made in China have that awful smell? Scientific data illustrates these goods may be outgassing toxins and carcinogens.
Research confirms that modern medicine’s assumptions about salt have been wrong. Turns out that too little salt leads to heart disease, and it takes triple the amount of salt than previously thought to increase heart disease risk.