Latest Research from Heal Naturally

prebiotics and immunity

Prebiotics Reduce Colds and Flu

Scientists have found that prebiotics boost our immunity significantly, resulting in fewer colds and flu each year. Prebiotics studied in university students Most of us recognize that cold and flu viruses run rampant around...

autism related to toxins

Autism Caused by Toxin Exposure in the Womb

A host of studies have confirmed that autism is not linked to vaccination. Toxic exposure while in the womb comes with significantly more evidence, however. Toxic environment and autism A 2011 study from Stanford...

hormones in milk and breast cancer

Growth Hormones in Milk Linked to Cancer

Growth hormones in milk have been associated with an increased risk of cancer according to the research. It is imperative that consumers know which milks come from cows injected with or fed growth hormones.

vitamin study

Multivitamins Reduce Deaths in Study

A large study has proven that taking multivitamins can signficantly reduce the risk of early death. Large multivitamin study Two medical experts have published a review of the recent Iowa Women’s multivitamin study data...