Air Pollution Causes Non-Lung Cancer Deaths
Most accept that air pollution causes lung-related conditions like asthma and allergies. Turns out that air pollution causes other cancers, including breast cancer.
Most accept that air pollution causes lung-related conditions like asthma and allergies. Turns out that air pollution causes other cancers, including breast cancer.
New research links eating high glycemic foods with lung cancer. What are high glycemic foods? Learn what the research means and how it can help us avoid lung cancer and other cancers.
Several large studies over the past year have indicated that hay fever increases the risk of certain cancers and reduces the risk of other cancers.
A recent U.S. Geological Survey report has found that asbestos consumption by Americans increased 13% in 2011, as cancers and other asbestos-related ailments continue to increase.
9/11 First responders are still dealing with cancers and other conditions from the World Trade Center attacks. One thing is clear: Our buildings are being made with toxins that, when they are demolished, will poison us for many years to come.
Cancer is on the rise among kids in the United States. It is slightly down in adults but cancer testing is also up for adults. But researchers also find that much of our cancer...
The drop in smoking among kids is flattening out. Kids are still smoking despite so many diseases associated with smoking.
Swedish researchers have found that eating red meat significantly increases a man’s risk of pancreatic cancer, and eating processed meats increases both men’s and women’s risk of contracting pancreatic cancer – considered one of...