Category: Health

research finds that fecal transplants implant viruses and cause fevers

Fecal Transplants Transfer Viruses, Cause Fevers

Fecal transplants are gaining attention by doctors and those with intestinal issues. But along with probiotic microbes other things are also transplanted with fecal transplants. Learn the latest about the side effects of transferring poop from one person to another.

cancer patients live longer at home

Hospitals Worse than Home for Cancer Survival

Most of us don’t want to die in the hospital. But most think that we’ll live longer by staying in the hospital. Not the case for terminal cancer patients. Then there are hospital mistakes and infections.

osteoporosis and calcium

Busting the Myths of Calcium for Bone Health

Calcium supplementation has become the backbone of advice regarding bone health and osteoporosis. Turns out this is not supported by the science. Learn the latest showing how calcium supplements do not prevent fractures and do little for bone density, and what strategies do help.

junk food linked to lung cancer

Lung Cancer Linked to Eating Junk Foods

New research links eating high glycemic foods with lung cancer. What are high glycemic foods? Learn what the research means and how it can help us avoid lung cancer and other cancers.

OMT for low back pain

Osteopathic Manual Therapy Eases Low Back Pain

Surgery for low back pain is often unsuccessful while physical therapy more often works. New research finds that osteopathic manual therapy is also successful in many cases of low back pain. Learn more about OMT.

side effects of adhd drugs - including bone health

ADHD Meds Linked to Bone Density Loss in Kids

Prescriptions for drugs given to kids for ADHD have been skyrocketing. Are they safe? New evidence is emerging that along with a host of side effects, ADHD drugs can also reduce bone density in children. Here is the latest on ADHD drug adverse effects.

reversing brain shrinkage

Six Ways to Keep Your Brain from Shrinking

Shrinking brain size has been linked to cognitive decline. Do our brains have to shrink? Can we slow or even reverse our brain shrink? Here are six natural ways, according to the latest scientific research.

WHO says meat causes cancer

Meat Causes Cancer, Says World Health Organization

The research arm of the World Health Association – made up of 22 researchers from 10 countries – has classified processed meat and red meat as carcinogenic to humans. The research analyzed over 800 large human population studies. Find out what types and why meat is carcinogenic.

should we remove amalgams?

Should We Remove Our Amalgam Dental Fillings?

Most of us have amalgams for dental cavity fillings. Are they safe? Should we remove our amalgams? Are we being poisoned with mercury? Here is the current state of the evidence, along with a list of considerations about this very personal choice we each have.