How to Improve Your Neurotransmitters with Diet
Neurotransmitters orchestrate our moods and nerve processes. They can also produce nervous conditions. But we can seriously change our neurotransmitter levels with our diet.
Neurotransmitters orchestrate our moods and nerve processes. They can also produce nervous conditions. But we can seriously change our neurotransmitter levels with our diet.
Here are a number of natural solutions to snoring, including getting at some of the causes for snoring.
A number of prominent athletes have gone to a plant-based diet to increase athletic performance. Find out why a vegan or vegetarian diet can significantly increase athletic performance.
Targeting different skin concerns can be tricky. You have to find the right product that will work on your specific needs and not cause any unwanted side effects. Many beauty and skincare items in-store...
A better diet during pregnancy will improve the baby’s cognitive development, improve I.Q. and improve behavior according to recent scientific research. Learn which foods have the best effects upon the baby’s cognitive development.
If you are considering the lectin-free diet you should know the facts first. Here are the scientific facts about the newest diet fad.
It is not a secret that tooth extraction can cause pain and discomfort. The tooth may be injured by the instrument used to extract it, or it might result in infection or dry socket....
The increase in high-rise buildings around the world is crowding out our exposure to natural sunlight. This is producing negative health effects for our bodies and our planet.
Research now confirms that night owls are more likely to die sooner and more likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease, depression and bipolar disorder. Find out why, whether we are a night owl or not, and how to become a morning person.
Continuing research evidence is confirming that Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be significantly improved with vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Certain modern lifestyle habits have emerged as major culprits that harm vision.
Progressive carpal tunnel syndrome can result in disability and chronic pain. Clinical research has proven a number of natural therapies can reduce pain and increase mobility in CTS.
The temporomandibular joint is the joint that attaches the lower jaw to the upper part of the face that is the skull. They’re also responsible for facilitating essential activities like facilitating the process of...
Multiple studies have now confirmed that vinegar will immediately reduce blood sugar and decrease insulin resistance, thus improving or helping prevent type-2 diabetes.