Category: Health

exercise for migraines

Migraines Reduced by Aerobic Exercise

Migraines can be significantly reduced by certain types of exercise, according to a number of studies. Not just any exercise will do. Find out what type of exercise is best for migraine sufferers, and why that type of exercise works so well.

farm kids and asthma

Allergies and the Hygiene Hypothesis

The hygiene hypothesis says that allergies are linked to being too clean. Is this really true? Here’s a look at some of the scientific evidence for allergies and hygiene.

night owls have worse health

Night Owls Tend to Die Sooner, Suffer More Disease

Research now confirms that night owls are more likely to die sooner and more likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease, depression and bipolar disorder. Find out why, whether we are a night owl or not, and how to become a morning person.