Category: Health

sinusitis bacteria infections

Asthma Linked to Bacteria Infections

It’s time we put aside the notion that asthma is a genetic disorder. Research from Australia has determined that many asthma patients are dealing with sustained bouts with bacteria infections – including many that are resistant to antibiotics.


Deadly Superbugs Hitting Critical Mass in Hospitals

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that a deadly antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria is growing among hospitals and other health care facilities, and comes with a high rate of fatality. Options are now limited. What is the solution?

BPA and hormones

Does BPA Really Cause Hormone Disruption?

Research being presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the AAAS is shedding doubt that current levels of human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) is disrupting hormones to the extent characterized by many. Are we really safe from hormone disruptors?

hearts beat together

Can Couples’ Hearts Beat Together?

Researchers have studied whether a couples’ hearts will beat together. Scientists have also studied whether someone can die of a broken heart. Discover what they found out.

probiotics and colds

Probiotics Help Prevent and Ease Common Cold

Numerous studies have found that probiotic supplementation does more than just help digestion and intestinal issues. Recent research proves that probiotic supplementation reduces incidence and duration of the common cold among schoolchildren.

how much water do we need to drink

How Much Water We Should Drink?

How much water should you drink a day? A number of studies have investigated this. Here is what the science has determined. Hint: It’s higher than 6 to 8 glasses a day.