Category: Health

U.S. Organic Food Sales Continue Their Rise

Despite continued challenges from higher prices, organic food sales in the United States have continued to rise in both volume and dollars. A survey by the Organic Trade Association also determined that more than 80 percent of households are eating organic foods.

Autism Linked to Gut and Probiotics

Mounting evidence is indicating that autistic children tend to have gastrointestinal abnormalities. And studies have shown probiotic supplementation may help autistic children.

Monoculture Linked to Hay Fever and Allergies

Not so long ago a family farm produced a myriad of crops the family and children ate. Today’s farms are a different animal altogether, and monoculture food production is not only hard on the land and soil, but is causing allergies and hay fever.

Probiotics Help You Lose Weight

Japanese researchers have determined from a large multi-center study that consistently consuming a minimal dosage of a particular strain of probiotics results in reduced abdominal fat and lower body mass index in three months.

mercury and dentists

Mercury from Amalgams Poisoning Dentists

Multiple studies have found that dentists who install and remove amalgams containing mercury have higher levels of mercury in their bodies. And mercury is a proven toxin with neurological effects.