Category: Health

H. pylori and obesity

Obesity Linked to Bacteria Infection

New research from New York University’s School of Medicine has determined that obesity and lack of blood sugar control are associated with overgrowths of Helicobacter pylori, a species of bacteria that colonizes in the...

diabetes and statins

Statins Boost Risk of Diabetes

Everything has a cost, they say. When it comes to the ‘miracle’ of pharmaceuticals – statins, there are a number of risks that go along with their ability to reduce lipids. One of these...

vitamin D and trauma

Lack of Sun Linked to Trauma Cases

New Research presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has linked orthopaedic trauma cases to vitamin D deficiency. The research was conducted at the University of Missouri hospital...

Flu epidemics

Flu Epidemics Linked to Weather Pattern

Researchers from Columbia University’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences have determined that the last four influenza pandemics – of 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009 – were related to a Pacific Ocean weather pattern called...

sugar is toxic

Scientists Find Processed Sugar Toxic

Research has confirmed that processed sugar – also referred to as refined sugar – is linked to early death and a number of degenerative disease conditions. Find out why you should limit eating this poison.